Preconfederation Ornithology

A compilation of transcriptions relating to Canadian preconfederation ornithology, 1534-1867

LHSQ Bird Donations

Donations of Birds to the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec Museum 1830-1837

[The following is a short list of donations of bird skins and mounted specimens to the Museum of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec from 27 December, 1830 to 1 November, 1837. These are set out in the Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec Vol 3:408-411. (1838)

No other record of donations of birds can be found in Volume 1 (1829), 2 (1831), 4 (1855) and 5 (1862). A considerably larger list of specimens in the LHSQ Museum was published by LeMoine in Transactions, New Series Number 13 (1879). For details see 19th Century Quebec LeMoine.

It is evident in the list below that the Sheppard family, with donations of 7 identified mounted bird specimens and an additional 18 unidentified bird skins, was the major early ornithological contributor to the LHSQ museum.]

Hooded Merganser (2)R. H. Gairdener
Willow PtarmiganA. Hart, mounted specimen from Three Rivers
Semipalmated PloverG. C. E. Colthurst
Marbled GodwitLieut. Randolf
American WoodcockJ. H. Edwards, skin
Common MurreF. A. Bowen R.N. skin with eggs
Black GuillemotF. A. Bowen R. N., skin with eggs
Atlantic PuffinWm Kelly M.D. Mingan
Common LoonRobert Symes, mounted specimen
Loon species eggs (2)Master Antle Panet
Stormy-Petrel speciesG. Douglas M. D., mounted specimen
Northern GannetCharles Poole M. D.
Northern GannetT. Holdsworth
Black-crowned Night-HeronMontague Sewell
Sharp-shinned HawkMontague Sewell
Broad-winged HawkC. C. Sheppard
Broad-winged HawkMaxfield Sheppard
Broad-winged HawkGeorge Ryland
Red-tailed HawkR. S. M. Bouchette
Hawk speciesMaxfield Sheppard
Northern Hawk OwlCharles Sheppard
Barred OwlJames Douglas M. D.
Yellow-bellied SapsuckerAugustus Sewell
Black-backed WoodpeckerC. C. Sheppard
Hairy WoodpeckerAugustus Sewell
American KestrelH. D. Sewell
American KestrelMontague Sewell
MerlinFrere Derome, skin
Flycatcher speciesH. D. Sewell (Musicicapa olivaeica)
Loggerhead ShrikeAugustus Sewell
Red-eyed VireoGeorge Ryland, nest and eggs
Canada JayMaxfield Sheppard
Horned LarkMaxfield Sheppard
Swallow speciesMaxfield Sheppard
Cedar Waxwing (2)H. D. Sewell
Cedar WaxwingGeorge Ryland, nest and young
American Goldfinch (3)G. C. E. Colthurst
BobolinkMaxfield Sheppard
Common YellowthroatH. D. Sewell, skin
Black-throated Green WarblerMaxfield Sheppard
Unidentified Bird Skins (18)William Sheppard, from “Woodfield”
Unidentified Bird Skins (6)James Lowndes
Seabird eggs (44)F. A. Bowen R. N.


Wikipedia. 1838. Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Volume 3: 408-411 Montreal: W. Neilson