Vieillot’s Article on “Ornithology” in Nouveau Dictionnaire, Vol. 24 (1818), pp 68-144
This paper briefly discusses the history of classification of birds from Aristotle to the present day (1816). The introduction provides a brief discussion of the views of Aristotle and Pliny, and the works of Gesner, Belon and Aldrovandi.
This is followed by a series of chronological listings of the complete classification systems of each of the major contributors to ornithology. Authors whose systems are listed are as follows:
- John Ray
- Linnaeus
- Gmelin
- Scolopi
- Cuvier (1798)
- Lacepede
- Dumerel
- Meyer and Wolf
- Illiger
- Temminck
- Vieillot (Anlayse)
This is followed by a chronological Bibliography of all important Ornithological works and finally a section on Ornithological terminology.
Numerous authors have pointed out that Vieillot wrote Analyse in response to the immanent publication of Cuvier’s pioneering new work, La Regne animal also published in 1816.