Preconfederation Ornithology

A compilation of transcriptions relating to Canadian preconfederation ornithology, 1534-1867


Vieillot’s Article on Birds in Nouveau Dictionnaire, Vol. 23 (1818), pp 351-419

This paper commences with a general discussion of how birds are distinguished from other animals.

This is followed by a series of discussions and comparisons amongst a variety of bird families under the following headings:

  • The nature of birds and their internal anatomy
  • The senses of birds and their faculties
  • Natural song and language of birds
  • Breeding, mating and plumage changes
  • Nests and incubation
  • Instinct and education of the young
  • Intelligence and natural moeurs of birds
  • Life cycle, good and lifespan of birds
  • Habitat and migration
  • Des rapports of birds and their divers employ
  • The disposition of bird in a natural ornithological system