17 Genus
Genus of North American Birds First Described by Vieillot (17)
Genus | Common Name | Year |
Morus | Gannets | 1816 |
Porzana | Sora Rails | 1816 |
Coccyzus | Cuckoos | 1816 |
Vireo | Vireos | 1808 |
Thryothorus | Carolina Wrens | 1816 |
Troglodytes | House Wrens | 1809 |
Oenanthe | Wheatears | 1816 |
Bombycilla | Waxwings | 1808 |
Mniotilta | Black and White Warbler | 1816 |
Icteria | Chats | 1807 |
Piranga | Tanagers | 1807 |
Pipilo | Towhees | 1816 |
Passerina | Buntings | 1816 |
Agelaius | Red-winged Blackbirds | 1816 |
Sturnella | Meadowlarks | 1816 |
Quiscalus | Grackles | 1816 |
Pinicola | Pine Grosbeaks | 1807 |